"Spectral Theory and Mathematical Physics"

In honor of Vladimir Georgescu

Cergy-Pontoise, June 21-24, 2016.

Photo Credit: Cergy - Axe majeur, www.cergypontoise.fr/jcms/p2_85721/fr/le-patrimoine-moderne


Spyros Alexakis
Kaïs Ammari
Jean-Marc Bouclet
Jan Derezinski

Clotilde Fermanian Kammerer

Christian Gérard

Sylvain Golénia

Dietrich Häfner

Matti Lassas

Mathieu Lewin

Jacob Schach Moller

Francis Nier

Victor Nistor

Benoit Pausader

Main page


Francis Nier: PI-condition and multiscale mean-field analysis

Abstract: Within our series of works with Z. Ammari, we identified a compactness condition, called the (PI) condition, within the bosonic mean field analysis. I will first recall this condition and its consequences and how it is violated while considering a Bose gas at finite temperature, leading to a mixture of condensate and non condensate phases. Then I will explain how multiscale analysis provides a natural description of those two phases. Such a multiscale analysis relying mainly on Wick observables, also provides tools for the fermionic case.
Work in progress with Z. Ammari and S. Breteaux